Thursday, July 3, 2008

Health breastfeeding acne and how to get rid of acne in a week

A healthful diet rich in natural whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans is the first recommendation for treating acne. Foods containing trans-fatty acids, such as milk, milk products, margarine, shortening and other synthetically hydrogenated vegetable oils, as well as fried foods, should be avoided.
There are several acne alternative treatments that can help impede or even cure acne. The Chinese believe that acne is caused by toxicity and heat in the blood stream. Some view acne as a digestive problem where the poisons from poor digestion are discharged into the skin.
j) Wash your pillow case
tags: acne scar treatment research, acne scar treatment for black skin, does bio-oil really work for acne scarring

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