Sunday, September 28, 2008

Home remedy for acne scar

« ...Psychologists introduced such term as dermatological social anxiety to describe the discomfort that acne-affected people experience and that keep them from appearing in public or even leaving their house. The latest research proved that dermatological social anxiety prevented both teens and adults from going in for sports which could also have a negative impact on their health. So, the problem is multi-faceted and impacts different aspects of life....
...Women can take other actions to prevent a recurrence of acne symptoms. They can study make-up labels carefully. If a label says "non-comedogenic" then that should be viewed as a "green light." A woman with acne should feel comfortable about using a cosmetic with such a label. As an added precaution, a woman with acne ought to keep her make-up brushes clean....»
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«...Once you have decided to set up a skin care routine, you have to choose the right products for your skin condition. Not all acne sufferers have oily or combination skin. There are people who have acne and sensitive skin and they should use products that are tailored for that skin type....»
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tags: face,back,and chest acne treatment, acne pills bad, photo different types of acne

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